Friday, July 31, 2009

Springville Art Museum

I didn't think I would be doing another Field Trip Friday so soon, but I got a reminder about the Springville Art Museum and thought I would try some video-ing my trip!! The quilts were beautiful: the hand quilting, machine quilting, applique, fabrics ~ so inspiring. They had some amazing, award worthy quilts.

I learned alot from just this one time video-ing, I promise to improve and make it more worth everyone's while. I had to add this last one even though I look like and talk like a total nerd, I loved the quilts I video-ed in this section and just could not leave them out.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

4 Girlies Quilt

Here are the four blocks I worked on yesterday. Today, I am going to add embellishments and cute girly accents...buttons, trims, embroidery, a little applique and more!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sneak Peak

Remember my Great Idea? Here's a little sneak peak:

Stop by to see more tomorrow!

Mid Week Munchies

Hey Friends....
Exciting News: Every Wednesday is now going to be Mid Week Munchies
I'm excited, this will keep me posting about food (which I love) and I always make something mid week 'cause I've got the munchies. To kick things off I got the best recipe to share.
Fresh Raspberry Tart:
1 1/2 cups four
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup margarine
1/4 powdered sugar

I blended these 4 ingredients in my Cuisinart, very quick and easy. I patted the crust into my fluted pan and cooked it @ 350 degrees for about 12 minutes ~ just until it was lightly brown.

When I made this tart I was able to go and pick the raspberry FRESH! Heaven. These raspberries were to good to be true and the were also to beautiful to eat.

To give my tart the little glue it needed I sparingly, spread some apricot jam on the crust(credit to Jeanette for that idea!). I placed the berries symmetrically around the pan; this made it fun and I loved the presentation. With the remaining jam; I heated it in the microwave for about 25 seconds (which turned/melted it into a kinda of glaze) and then poured it over the berries!

I kept it chilled it in the fridge until it was time to eat. This tart will be a family favorite every raspberry season.

Linking Up:

Todays Creative Blog

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Great Idea!

I had a revelation over the weekend about a quilt I have been wanting to make. Typically, once I decide on a Quilt, I go through a process of contemplation, I think about:

  • fabric choices
  • What is in my stash vs. what I need to pick up at the quilt store
  • Maybe adding some embroidery
  • Time and effort
  • etc.
This particular quilt I hope to show you a glimpse tomorrow and hopefully more the day after. I think I am going to name it: All about the girls!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Field Trip Friday

I have started something new: Field Trip Friday! A couple Fridays out of the month I want to take a little field activities, quilt stores, vacations. (I kinda already started with my memory grove post and canyon post.) It should be alot of fun; places in and around my community. I hope you enjoy it.
Highland Town Center Plaza

This is a great little spot in the town next to where I live. It is only about a 7-10 minutes drive from my house. We had so much fun, the weather was hot and the water was refreshing and cool.

It is free of charge, it has lots of grass, bathrooms and a few restaurants/fast food close by. It was such a great way to spend the afternoon.

Not only is there the circular fountain, but there is a waterfall and a very fun river. The kids had a blast jumping off the rocks and running in the river.

This is a brand new plaza so there is very little shade. I saw lots of families with beach umbrellas. I also brought lots of sun screen and applied often. I am excited to visit all summer. I have been telling all my neighbors about it. Do you have anything like this in your area?

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Blue and Brown All Over

I call this quilt my Blue and Brown, I originally made a baby size version for a good friend of mine who was having her fourth boy. I love the look of it so much and had made more nine patches then the quilt needed (oops!), but I ran with it made a big one for myself.

Other than the polka dots, this quilt has an old time feel. It has many civil war prints including the sashing shown here.

My friend Ella, quilted it for my and I love the swirls she meandering through the middle and the big flowers on the outside border.

I just feel in love with my outer border fabric. I saw it at my LQS and just knew I would be using the fabric very soon. My Blue and Brown Quilt was the perfect match, the birds are so sweet, I just love 'em.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Burnt Smell

All I have to say is: I woke up this morning to a funny, sad, burnt smell. This smell was oddly familiar and lingered around the house until I opened the window. As you can see, this last burn (last, large brown spot from the bottom of the board!) was not the first nor will not be the last, if history repeats itself. This little scenario has something to do with a husband who leaves the iron face down while hurry off to work. Don'tcha think it it time for a new ironing board?

I agree, it is also time for a new quilt project: A twin size quilt for my four year old's new bed!! I am thinking something with doggies!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Japanese Fabric

My sister-in-law lives in Japan and every summer she comes home to the states. While she is home we talk quilts, fabric, patterns, and local shops. This summer she surprised me with some Japanese Fabric! She's got a pretty good feel for my style, but who knew she would be so dead on with what I, polka dots, cherries and strawberries.Heaven!!!

I can't wait to make something so yummy with these fabrics. Stay Tuned!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Moms Who Make It

I am so excited, tomorrow I am going to the Moms Who Make It conference!! I can't wait to meet other moms and tell everyone about the Art Shopppe.

~Moms Who Make It is the ONLY Conference dedicated to strengthening moms in all facets of their life and/or business; we're empowering the whole woman. Successful moms and mom entrepreneurs will teach powerful strategies and skills to help you achieve the strong, peaceful, fulfilling life of your dreams.~

Mini Classes, Lunch, Moms, Guest Speakers and much much more. I'll take lots of notes and tell you all about it when I get home.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Memory Grove Hike

On Saturday, we decide to drive up to Salt Lake City to Memory Grove. Adjoining the grove is City Creek Canyon: a beautiful canyon just east of Temple Square. The Canyon has a mountain creek that flows through it down to the grove. In 1999 a tornado hit the park and although no structures were damaged the park lost a considerable amount of trees. Since then Salt Lake City and FEMA have worked very hard to replace and rejuvenate the park.

The grove is absolutely beautiful. On any given day you may see all of the above: a bride and groom taking wedding photos, dogs splashing in the water and a family on a picnic.

Knowing the creek is right there, we bought along our tennis shoes and swim clothes to walk up the creek. The water was very shallow (great for kids) and fairly warm this time of year. Along the way there are several waterfalls we climbed up and a few archways we swam under.

Don't they look they are up to no good.

Yep! Pretty Much.

The sun came out in the afternoon and we loved spending our Saturday in the water.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Dolly by the Road

Two Birthdays Ago (yes, I am still talking about birthdays!) I was driving home from breakfast with a friend and she spotting "some things" on the side of the freeway. She said she thought they were dolls (mind you ~she is has an eye for this stuff: side of the road treasure hunting!) We pulled over and "what to our wondering eyes should appear" but beautiful dolls in boxes and all!! I was lucky enough to take this cute pie home with me.

She was a girl ahead of her time! She has the coy side-ways look down pat. She does it better than the teenagers on FB.

Her box says she is from 1984! Although she was on the side of the road, there was only a little bit of damage to her box. She was in perfect condition.

You can find her on ebay. She appears to have a had a twin.

She looks just like a character from Mary Poppins ~ balloon and all!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Strawberry Hat

As you all know, I turned 30 last month and my wonderful talented friend Jeanette asked me what I wanted for my Birthday. I told her I wanted her to knit me a strawberry hat!! While hanging out together on the Fourth she finished it! I couldn't be happier: the colors, the stem, the curl at the bottom. P.S. Jeanette does not have a blog, although she should. The world would be a better place if she did.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Material Obsession

Over the holiday weekend I bought a book I just couldn't live without! My dear friend Jeanette told me about it: Material Obsession by Kathy Doughty and Sarah Fielke. Isn't that a great title, they have a wonderful blog you need to check out.

I want to make all the quilts inside this book, especially the one on the front cover. Don't you love the Dresden Plate pattern?! This is such an inspiring book, the photos and ideas are amazing. I can't wait to get started. I promise to show all of you something soon!

Happy Monday!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Fourth!

The Fourth Of July is my husband's favorite holiday (yes, even more than Christmas!) He loves the fireworks @ Sugar House Park, BBQ's, homemade ice cream and of course the day off. I have to admit he has made me quite smitten with it myself!! What's not to love about celebrating America and living in a land that is free.
Happy Fourth of July Everyone!!
(I would love to know what fun things you have planned!)

Friday, July 3, 2009

4th of July Biscuits

Buttermilk Baking Powder Biscuits:
2 cups of flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
6 tablespoons of shortening
3/4 buttermilk

Shift: flour, salt, baking soda, baking powder. Add shortening and mix til crumbly with a fork. Add buttermilk and mix until dough forms into a soft ball.

Since it is the 4th of July I cut my biscuits out in stars! Form dough into a round ball the size of your cookie cutter and cut. Place on glass pan and cook for 8-10 minutes at 400 degrees.

Add butter and your favorite homemade jam. Enjoy, Happy Fourth of July!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Summer Bloomers

My new favorite flower: Bee Balm. My sweet neighbor told me all about them. I had a little spot that needed a tall spark and she suggested Bee Balm. I had never heard of it. It is from the mint family and it smells just like it. I love the little spikes on top and the fuchsia color is wonderful in my summer garden.

This one will bloom in just a few days!

Of course my oriental lilies ~ they are beautiful!~ This deep pink is just begging to be picked and put in a bouquet inside my house.