Monday, March 29, 2010

Easter Time

Can you believe it? I have never dyed Easter Eggs with my kids. Some how I have avoided this Easter childhood rites of passage. When I tell my friends, they just laugh. And I repeat: "I am serious!" We'll this is the year. I have it marked on my calendar and this week my kids and I will experience coloring Easter Eggs together. I've bought all the eggs, vinegar and coloring kit ~ all I need now is the energy and patience to do it.

Friday, March 26, 2010

New Mom!

Last spring I purchased this book as a good coffee table conversation starter. Recently it has meant more to ME, then in the past. Baby #3 will be arriving this Fall. Our whole family is thrilled and it has been very cute to see my house of boys get excited about another baby!

***Side-note: I have been so sick the last couple months hence the sporadic and none-existent posts. I hope as I progress further into my second trimester I will start feeling better and will post much more often.

***Side-note #2: If you haven't seen this book before it is absolutely priceless and will have you rolling in the aisle. I highly recommend it. You can purchase it here. I hope to share through-out this pregnancy a few of my favorites.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

This has been in the works for sometime but I am participating in this super fun, creative, challenging competition called: So You Think You Can Quilt. It started this month and each month we have a theme to quilt by. February's theme was love !! So go check out the quilts ,vote, and maybe you'll send me to the next round!!