Friday, June 22, 2012

Summa Time

We spent last week visiting family in California...just what the doctor order for this 32 week preggers Momma.  It was such a great trip...we loved every minute of it. In April I found an amazing steal on airfare so for the first time in about 5 years we were able to fly. I with confidence can say that it will probably never happen again. With H. turning 2 in the fall and eventually having a fourth child to buy a ticket for we won't be flying as a family anytime soon. Which just made the flights all the sweeter.

It usually takes us 11 hours to drive from my doorstep to to my sisters ~ including the time change, traffic and usual stops. It was incredible that in 1 and 22 minutes we were saying goodbye to Utah and Helllllllooooo SoCal.

As usual we are totally spoiled whenever we visit my sister. The sunny, perfect weather, the pool and spa {right in the backyard}, Magic Mountain, the beach, the home cooked food and local restaurants. Ah, heaven. Here are a few highlights from the trip.

Zuma Beach ~ Malibu CA

Backyard Pool Shenanigans

....more Shenanigans

The Best Strawberries evah!!!

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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Granny's a Go-Go!

Summer is here. Finally! The kids are out of school ~ no more lunches, homework and finding socks for school. I don't know about you, but every morning I heard "Mom,. where are some socks!" Hooray, for flip flops. Swimming lessons and soccer camps are in full swing this week and I am finishing up last minute details for our big family vacation.

Before we leave for our vacation, I have one pressing issue to finishing up: GrAnNy SqUaReS.  Some girlfriends and I are doing a granny square swap, we each have to make 24 GS, the only requirements were to use: Kona white, any 30's prints and don't trim the squares. 

I want to make 2 quilts with my GS blocks and 24 would only make 2 very small I'm adding a few of my own blocks to the mix. I've got one of the quilts in mind for a sweet friend who just loves feed sack prints. I've been working on a few color combos that I knew the other ladies weren't using: peach, mint green, purple. I'm just infatuated with these blocks!

The block below is really special, I found the fabrics at a friends yard sale and I got some awesome "vintagey" 30's prints. I think they are from the 80's.

Happy Summer Quilting.

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