Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Enjoying the Summer

post signatureSummer has been quite the whirl wind so far. Calling June busy would be an understatement. From our vacation to CA, a mission farewell, 2 family BBQ's and a wonderful baptism I haven't had a chance to catch my breath...until now. Since July 4th things have slowed down a bit, which enabled me to make a few home cooked meals, do some sewing, get some fresh air in the mountains and catch up on my laundry (blah!) All in all, summer has been very fun. 

My strawberry medallion quilt. First border up!

me and Jeanette up in Alpine!

Tickets for QuiltBLISS are still for sale, but a lot have sold, which makes me so happy! It is going to be an incredible retreat. So don't delay... get your tickets TODAY!