Sunday, December 29, 2013


I love handy work, I love the thimble and the needle. I love how they feel in my hands and I love the results after a few hours of just ME time.

Lately I have been crazy for yo-yo's. My dear friend was making Halloween yo-yos a few months back and explained how her sister for Christmas had made her a 100 yo-yo garland out of Christmas fabrics. Be still my beating heart. I had instantly gone yoyo for yo-yo's.

She was working with the standard "orange" yo-yo maker but after further investigation I found that there was a "jumbo version" and I was smitten.

The yo-yos end up being about 3" and a little more and I am in L-O-V-E.

My big idea was to take all my ugly, "what the heck was I thinking" fabric and make yo-yo's out of them for QuiltBLISS. Any fabric looks awesome all cinched and gathered. A yo-yo garland is pretty harmless and I knew if I decided to do something else with them, I could just take the yo-yos apart.

So began my quest to make hundreds of yo-yo's. I made a goal of 300 which would give me 6 strands of 50 yo-yo's. I have about 250 done and have started stringing them together.  All my previous hard work is starting to pay off, they look really cool.