Monday, April 21, 2014

Strawberries + Summer

If you don't know by now, I have a serious slight obsession with strawberries. Really, I have several long standing obsessions, but strawberries is at the top of the list. I know it comes from growing up in Portland picking strawberries every summer with my family. Hood strawberries are small and full of the sweetest juicy flavor. Hood's make the best jam, ice cream and strawberries and cream.

Last spring when The Pattern Basket came out with the Strawberry Social quilt, I ran to my computer and ordered the pattern. For my strawberry medallion quilt I took the strawberries and made a border. Now, I am making the whole quilt. I will be tweaking it slightly (as I always have too!) but for now I am happily making my strawberries. Summer can't come soon enough.