Thursday, May 21, 2009

Update: Garden

I am really excited about how great my garden/yard is looking. I have been enjoying my gardening design class thoroughly and am learning lots!! I also have a wonderful gardening pro neighbor who has been giving me tons of advice. But, really the best thing about my yard is my husband, who helps me so much and is so willing to do all the hard manly labor. Thank you sweetie!

My poppies are just starting to bloom. I planted three plants in one small little spot and they have just gone gang busters. I probably have 40 blooms to enjoy! The orange tissue paper with purple center is so breathtaking!

Although one of my columbine died over the winter, this one made it and looks lovely!

My delphinium's are thinking about it. They need another week before they show-off their wonderful light blue blossoms.

I got these peony's from my old neighbor when I was moving into this house. I planted five separate plants three years ago (last fall) and just said a little prayer. They are all doing really well, some are budding more than others, but I will take whatever I can get. Peony's are my absolute favorite ~ I love this deep red!


  1. My goodness! These are beautiful! You are so fortunate to have a garden!

  2. those poppies are amazing!

  3. Your flowers are looking fabulous!

  4. Your flowers are so pretty. Great pics!!

  5. your flowers are gorgeous! I love em all. ooxx`jodi

  6. Your garden looks great. Mine is WAY behind...

  7. Pam when your columbine go to seed I want some. I don't have any that dark pink. You might want some of my miniature purple ones they turned out so pretty this year.

  8. Your Peonies are lovely. I really want some to plant along the back of my house, I am hoping we can get some hand me downs from my friend Jen, as my garden budget is dwindling fast.
    Looking forward to seeing more of your flowers.
