Monday, June 1, 2009

It's the Final Countdown!

It is Official: I am counting down to my 30th Birthday!

11 days to go: 6-11-2009


  1. 30's are great. Didn't you know they are the new 20's!!!!

  2. I was just thinking about your birthday this morning! I wish I was there to bake you a cake!

  3. So if 30's are 20's then 40's are 30's ? Wahoo! I'm going into my 30's!!! Can I get a whoot whoot!!!!

  4. Happy Early Birthday.
    I hope you have an awesome time with your family.
    I turn 30 this year too. I am kind of excited about it. I feel like 30 is officially grown up. We shall see. I think I will still be as imature as ever. ;)
