Monday, February 9, 2009


Between spongebob, dinosaurs, nerf guns, and gross bugs (my two boys) I always have the hankering to make something girly. I got the idea while browsing Anthropologie's always great hair accessories. I was surprised how easy these flowers were to make after I purchased the hair clips.

Hopefully most of these handy items you alrady have at home. A button, a hair clip, DMC floss and no more than an 8" by 8" piece of wool felt.

You only need a 8" by 8'"piece of wool. Cut three "imperfect flowers". Each diameter of the flower gets a little smaller. The largest being 2 1/2 " the middle 2" and the smallest 1 1/4", place the flowers one on top of the other, with the largest flower on the bottom.

Pick your favorite button to finish the flower off. Hand sew the button to all three flowers. I used two pink DMC floss (strings) and hand sew the button to the flowers, so that all three flowers and button are attached by the floss.

Hot glue the clip to the back of the flowers. I purchased the hair clip from my local craft store they came in a package of 12.

I think these are a great personal gift for a friend, daughter or your favorite little girl on Valentine's Day. Every girl needs to feel pretty and something pretty and homemade: even better.


  1. Those are SWEET! Very cute!You are so creative!

  2. i'm totally going to copy those. i've been looking for something to make for maya and brynn. love them.

  3. What a great idea! I'll have to make these for my girls.

  4. Way cute idea! My girls love hair stuff.

  5. Ahhhh, so cute and easy! I've been admiring your hair clip. I'm so happy you posted the how to!

  6. Very cute!
    Don't you just love the simplicity of felt?

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