Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Flowering Pear Tree

After my sunny trip to California, I came home to this beautiful sight!

We have 5 flowering pear trees in our yard, they look just like popcorn popping.

The neighborhood is full of them, it was one of the things that drew us to this area!


  1. I always feel so cheated by spring here, because it only lasts a week or so. Enjoy the sunshine and blossoms!

    Hope you had a fun time in CA. My son loves the book, thanks!

  2. Does this mean you have fresh Pears? We have a Pear tree that overhangs the fence to the doggie park, but I never seem to get there before everyone picks all the ripe pears! Plus, I have to add I'm very upset at the dog owner who let their dogs snack on the fallen pears!!

  3. Stunning shots! I love spring!
