Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Halloween Calendar Countdown

I don't know about you but, my four year old is not going to make it to Halloween. Between the Halloween decorations, pumpkins on the porch, and his costumes hanging in his closest he is about to burst!! (My eight year old is coping much better with the time frame!) To help him along, I decided to make a Halloween Calendar Countdown. I think he is old enough to grasp the concept and maybe he will ask me a few less times this month:

Is today Halloween?

What you will need:

  • Scrapbook Paper
  • Cardboard
  • Mod Podge
  • Sponge brush
  • Rickrac
  • String
  • Glue gun and glue sticks
  • Candy
Mod Podge the front of your cardboard with paper.

Take a ruler and evenly mark spaces for your candy pieces. My board was about 12 inches (across) by 12 inches (down). I did 3 inches across by 1 1/2 inches down. According to your size of card board, mark your spots where you think is best.

Where you have marked, hot glued string. The string is how you will attach the candy. To cover up the strings I glued a strip of rickrac over the top.

Attach 30 pieces of candy.

On the thirty-first they get to take off a little blow horn to celebrate Halloween!! I hot glued a loop of rickrac across the back , so he could hang it in his room.
If you feel like 31 days is too long of a countdown for your little one, or October 1st has past, make your countdown 15 days out or even 10. Just have fun!

Linking up:


  1. Okay--you get the "coolest mom" award for this one!

  2. That is really cool !!!! So cute!!!!!

  3. You always have the best ideas! Thanks.

  4. OH how super cute! I love this idea - I may have to "borrow" it :)

  5. You are one crafty chick! I loved it sooo much I found your bog this morning and had it made by dinner time.

  6. My kids would LOVE this - and they love any type of countdown!

  7. Hi
    I'm Monica to Milan Italy
    Compliments your tutorial il very nice
    November 9 will do an article on my blog where you talk about your idea
    bye bye

  8. Fun idea! I love that they get to blow the horn at the end of the countdown, very creative!
