Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Art Shoppe Quilt

Sorry my posts have been so sporadic the last week with my Art Shoppe tomorrow I have put blogging on the back burner!

But...I did finish the Tom and Lucy Quilt. It was quilted by sweet Ella, because of the goemetric-ness (is that even a word?) I wanted a geometric pattern on the quilt and she quilted just what I had imagined in my mind. I just didn't think swirls and loops would look right. For the binding, I used Anna Griffins "Sloan" black medallion fabric. It ties the whole quilt together.


  1. turned out fabulously! are you happy with the border now that it's bound? or are you still on the fence?

  2. Oh Wow! It turned out great Pamela! (Kitty's comment cracked me up!!!)

  3. I will go up against Kitty in that raffle! Such a cute quilt - it turned out great!! See you at the Art Shoppe this weekend :)

  4. I want it too! It is adorable in the picture but even cuter in real life. You are awesome!
