Monday, November 9, 2009

Toffee Giveaway!

I know, I know, Munchies on Monday? We'll I'm participating in a giveaway over at Fahrenheit 350 , it is her blogoversary and I had to help celebrate!! Stop by Kitty's blog, she has some amazing items up for grabs and goodies galore. You might even win some of my famous Toffee!

My famous Toffee

  • 1 cup of butter (or 2 cubes)
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar ~ using brown sugar gives it an even better flavor.
  • 1/2 cup of white sugar

Preparation: On the bottom of a 9x13-glass pan, spread a light coat of butter and ¼ of your favorite nuts. Also, have a small bowl of ice water ready to test your toffee. The toffee recipe needs constant attention and stirring for about 10 minutes, so once you begin you won't be able to stop and do either of these things.

Making Toffee: In a heavy saucepan, add butter and sugars and melt on high heat. Once the butter and sugars have melted and started to boil, the toffee will go through 4 stages. Keep temperature as hot as you can with out burning. Medium high to high heat.

  • Stage 1: butter and sugars are melted, but not mixed. Keep stirring.
  • Stage 2: Butter and sugars are mixed and start to cook. Keep stirring.
  • Stage 3: Butter and sugars are bubbling. Keep stirring.
  • Stage 4: Butter and sugars change color, slightly (from light tan to dark tan) toffee looks almost like taffy, it becomes smooth not bubbly. Keep stirring and start to test for hard crack.
Hard Crack: Hard crack is when you place a small piece of toffee in ice-cold water and it sizzles. This is when the toffee is done. Pour toffee evenly into buttered 9x13 pan, do not spread or stir, just pour directly on to buttered pan and do not spread after ~ no touchy!

Sprinkle toffee with your favorite chocolate chips (about 1/4 of a cup), the hot toffee will melt the chips completely on its own within a few minutes. With a spatula, spread the melted chips over the toffee and sprinkle with another 1/4 of your favorite nuts. Allow toffee to completely cool (even place outside if it is cold), break apart with a kitchen knife and Enjoy! Keep remaining toffee in a air-tight container for 2 weeks or longer.


  1. thank you for sharing this special recipe! I can't wait to try it :)

  2. I love making toffee. I was fortunate to get a recipe from a friend of mine's mom who is famous for her confection. She even showed me hot to make it and when it's "just right" to pour.

    And nothing is more gooder (lol) than fresh candy... Don'tcha think? YUM!

  3. Ooo sounds so yummy and simple, thanks for sharing the recipe.

  4. Oooh, that looks yummy! Thanks for the recipe!

  5. oh, I'm totally entering that giveaway! This looks fantastic! :)

  6. I love it! Of course! You make it the best!

  7. I love toffee and this recipe looks fabulous!

  8. I think I will try this one!!!

  9. What a great recipe. I'll have to be sure to have all my blogging done before I start making the toffee! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Thanks for sharing I will have to try this one out

  11. That toffee needs to be in my mouth. Right now.

  12. I love to see how others make there toffee, it always helps to improve mine

  13. How fun! I love that your toffee is famous. It looks like it should be!

  14. WOW! Fantastic recipe--this is candy-shop material here. I'm always looking for recipes worthy of giving as gifts and this is one for sure! Thanks for sharing.
